Things That Help

Things that help include…
A slow start to the day with plenty of time for my morning routine:
At least half an hour for reading, lots of different books – 
some daily inspiration, a chapter of a long novel, a short story, some poetry,
and a few pages from a science magazine.
With a cup of black coffee (currently decaf) by my side
and frequent stops to record an idea
or note some words of wisdom I have spied.
Then, a dive into my Journal notebook (Moleskine, large, squared)
with my zero-point-nine millimetre Pentel twist-grip propelling pencil in hand,
scribbling away as my thoughts coalesce through the words I write
in a way I simply cannot understand.
At least two or three runs each week,
preferably (although not as often as I would like) out of the city,
even though I rarely feel that I want to go
and often set out wearing a frown.
Ideally working towards some future long-distance event that,
despite crowding in on me horribly as it approaches,
seems to be a necessary challenge,
albeit one reluctantly thrown down.
Having enough money to keep buying books – 
titles I come across that interest and intrigue.
(For it seems that books are my favourite food
and provide me with much of the sustenance that I need.)
Not being hungry…
so, yes, please do bring me that snack
(real food of course, not a book!)
Remembering to drink water…
because going without it is something for which I really seem to have a knack
until it is too late, my body dry and brain shrivelled to uselessness by its lack.
Knowing what is coming up and having a plan for the hours and days ahead,
even though I know I will not follow my intentions,
will waste much of the day
and become frustrated with myself.
(It’ll be a complete disaster if I set off with no kind of schedule, instead.)
Getting outside into nature, trees, sky, clouds and all the rest of it
especially when there are big views.
It’s so much better for connecting with the world
than the constant processed diet provided by The News.
Talking out my thoughts.
(Even if you do not really want to listen,
as long as you nod every so often
and give a few prompts to keep me going
it will really help to boost my knowing and keep my ideas growing.)
Being the master of my own time and space
so that I can sort and sift my thoughts,
move slowly through the day
and know where I am and where I am heading.
Working at my own pace.
But also, not having to make too many choices.
(Although I will always have an opinion – I admit that’s true – 
it is usually far better if you simply tell me what we’re going to do.)
Encouragement and praise,
(just the right amount and I have to believe that it is sincere)
Just like the ambrosia eaten by Gods it can be sweet and sticky,
so getting this one right is really tricky.
What doesn’t help is…
Losing sight of the things that help
Or forgetting that
even though I am certain of their value
I will often have to force myself to do them,
And that
with insufficient respect for myself
I will likely lack the courage to make sure that they happen

(c) Tim O’Hare, September 2023

About this poem: As I allude to in my note for ‘The Hollow Man’ (and probably elsewhere) there are certain things I like to do each day or on a regular/routine basis that help me to maintain my level of functioning. I find that I can go for a few days without following my ‘morning routine’ but if I let things slip for any longer or fail to force myself out for a run or a walk in the countryside I start to unravel. ‘Things That Help’ captures some of these activities and ingredients that keep me in balance and, most importantly, the need to keep them in sight and to keep using myself to do them. I’ve come to think that everyone should write out their own list of ‘Things That Help’ and keep it in a prominent place as a reminder.

One response to “Things That Help”

  1. Mark Davidson Avatar
    Mark Davidson

    I liked this Tim, I feel inspired to write my own version! It might be a thing that helps!


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